"Interest rates are higher than they have been in a number of years, so it's important to get the right remortgage deal. Make sure you speak to a whole-of-market broker well in advance of your current mortgage ending, to avoid going on to your lender's standard variable rate, which is usually more expensive."

Why should I remortgage?
You might want to remortgage if:
Your current mortgage deal is coming to an end - When your deal comes to an end and you're moved onto your lender's standard variable rate (SVR), the interest rate is usually a lot higher.
You'd like to switch deals - You may want to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage so you know how much you're expected to pay monthly. Or onto a variable-rate mortgage deal if you think rates may fall soon and you might benefit from lower payments as a result.
You're not happy with your current lender - If you're not happy with the level of service, remortgaging allows you to switch to a new lender.
You want to overpay your mortgage - Most mortgages have the option to overpay your mortgage without fees up to a certain amount (usually 10%). But some deals have more flexibility and allow you to overpay by more than this – you may be able to remortgage to one of these more flexible deals.
The value of your property has increased - If your property has increased in value, your new lower loan-to-value (LTV) could help you access better deals when you remortgage. But bear in mind that mortgage rates are much higher than they have been in recent years. So you may find the rates available to you now are higher than when you took out your current deal.
You'd like to borrow more on your mortgage - You might want to borrow more on your mortgage to get a lump sum to help consolidate debts, make home improvements or for something else.
Remortgaging with Mojo Mortgages
We've partnered with an expert broker to help borrowers save on their biggest monthly expense.
Just answer some questions about your situation and let Mojo's expert advisors guide you to a mortgage tailored to your needs. And the best part of it all is, it’s completely free (yes, really!).
With access to lenders across the whole of the market, Mojo advisors strive to save you money and find your best mortgage rate.
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Should I revalue my house before I remortgage?
You usually only need to revalue your property if you’re changing mortgage lender. If you’re staying with your current lender, a full valuation isn't generally required making it a bit more straightforward.
If you’re looking to borrow more against the value of your home, you normally do need a valuation.
How does the loan-to-value rate of my home affect remortgaging?
The lower the LTV ratio, normally the better remortgage deals and rates you can access. The cheapest rates are normally available for those with a 60% LTV or lower.
The equity you have in your home will determine your LTV ratio for remortgaging. But you can also put down additional money to boost your deposit amount and reduce the LTV ratio.
How can I remortgage to release equity?
You can remortgage to release equity in your home to allow you to borrow more than what you currently own on your existing mortgage.
Whether you can remortgage to a larger mortgage depends on your affordability and the LTV ratio you're looking to borrow.
Alternatively, you can look into taking out a second mortgage which means you keep your existing mortgage and take out another one. But this does mean you'll have to keep up with 2 loan repayments on the same property.
Can I remortgage if I have bad credit?
You may be able to remortgage if you have bad credit. Some lenders offer bad credit mortgages but it normally depends on the severity of your credit issues.
There are specialist brokers who deal with adverse credit, and might be able to help you find a lender that can consider your application.
Can I remortgage if I'm self-employed?
You may be able to remortgage if you're self-employed. But you need to evidence that you're earning enough to cover the loan repayments, normally via providing a few years of full accounts or SA302 end-of-year tax calculations.
Certain lenders are also more flexible with self-employed applicants. Mojo Mortgages may be able to help identify which banks and building societies are best suited for your circumstances.
Is there an age limit on remortgaging?
Different mortgage lenders have different age limits, so it’s best to check with yours first if you want to remortgage.
Some may have an age limit for starting a mortgage and others for when the mortgage term comes to an end.
There are also a few lenders who don't have any age restrictions.
The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate mortgages for commercial or investment buy-to-let properties.
Confused.com is not a mortgage intermediary and makes introductions to Mojo Mortgages to provide mortgage solutions.
Confused.com and Mojo Mortgages are part of the same group of companies.Confused.com 2nd Floor, Greyfriars House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff, CF10 3AL, United Kingdom. Confused.com is a trading name of Inspop.com Limited and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FRN 310635
Mojo is a trading style of Life's Great Limited which is registered in England and Wales (06246376). We are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are on the Financial Services Register (478215). Mojo’s registered office is The Cooperage, 5 Copper Row, London, SE1 2LH.
To contact Mojo by phone, please call 0333 123 0012.