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Our cookie policy

Why we use cookies and how you can manage cookies on your device.

What is a cookie?

In a nutshell, cookies are tiny text files that store information on your computer about the web pages you visit. They aren't programs and they can't harm your computer. We use cookies and similar technologies in the operation of our website. We also work with a range of third parties who provide some of our comparison journeys and they may also receive, or access information obtained from our cookies and technologies. Some of these third-party providers will also drop cookies on our website domain.

Cookies help you to have a more positive experience on our website. Cookies help our website to remember you, so things run smoothly. Cookies allow us to enhance your customer experience by giving you a personalised service. Cookies do not directly identify you and allow us to improve our service by assessing how you use our website.

How does Confused.com use cookies?

Essential Cookies

We use “essential” cookies some which are necessary to allow our website to function. These cannot be turned off on our systems.

Essential cookies allow you to access our service and interact with our website allowing you to obtain a quote. Some of these cookies are also used to authenticate your sale to allow your cash-back through an affiliate website to be processed. A number of essential cookies are also used to comply with other regulatory requirements or benefit you by allowing us to improve our service or tailoring of our advertisements.

See our essential cookies

Name Description Duration
Authentication cookie used for session and password reset.
1 hour
This is a Microsoft anti-forgery cookie. It is designed to stop unauthorised posting of content to a website.
.AspNetCore.Cookie, .AspNetCore.CookiesC1, .AspNetCore.CookiesC2
Identifies the logged-in user on our website.
DoubleClick cookies Used for display and search advertisements. We are using this cookie to make sure the user is served the correct ads.
1 year
Cloudflare cookie which helps detect malicious visitors on our website and minimizes blocking legitimate users.
30 days
__cfruid, cf-cc-, cf-chl-cc, cf-chl-seq, cf-chl-prog
Cloudflare cookies which help detect malicious visitors on our website and minimize blocking of legitimate users.
Cloudflare cookie which is used in connection with ‘cf_use_ob’ to allow us to deliver some services to customers even in the event of a website outage.
1 minute
Cloudflare cookie which is used to track visitors that have been directed to a waiting room to manage website traffic.
24 hours
cf-chl-rc-I, cf-chl-rc-ni, cf-chl-rc-i
Cloudflare cookies that protect our site from automated bot traffic, and for detecting issues with our website and applications.
Cloudflare cookie that enables us to deliver our services over multiple data centers, for high availability without any interruption to the customer experience.
23 hours
__gali_, _gat, __gat_confused, __gat_dlp, __gat_europe_unique_urchin, __gcl_au, __hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress
Google Cookies. Used for display and search advertisements. We use this cookie to make sure the user is served the correct ads based on previous preferences and behaviour.
1 year
Google Analytics Cookie, used to ensure the Google Analytics tracking is working correctly.
Up to 2 years
Google Analytics cookie. Used to distinguish users and sessions.We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
2 years
Adobe cookie. It's used to streamline customer journeys through all Adobe Cloud products.
2 years
_AMCV_48855C6655783A647F000101%40AdobeOrg, _AMCV_EE3EFAFC56FA42B27F000101%40AdobeOrg
Adobe cookie
2 years
__cf_bm, cf_chl_pro, cf_chl_2
Cloudflare cookies that protect our site from automated bot traffic.
Cloudflare cookie which allows us to deliver some services to customers even in the event of a website outage.
4 hours
Google Analytics Cookie, used for analytical analysis. It helps us and our GAP insurance provider Motor GAP Limited to monitor the use and performance of our website.
1 hour
Google Analytics cookie used to store campaign information in order to provide Google Ads, We use this cookie to make sure we are serving the correct ads to a user based on previous preferences and behaviour.
2 years
_gat_dtl_partner_unique_urchin, _gat_main
Google Analytics Cookie, used to ensure the Google Analytics tracking is working correctly.
1 minute
Google analytics cookie used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high traffic volume websites. , We use this cookie to make sure we are serving the correct ads to a user based on previous preferences and behaviour.
3 years
Targeting/Advertising. Used by Google AdSense to ensure advertisement efficiency across websites using their services and to ensure appropriate target marketing.
1 year
Google Analytics cookie used to determine how many actions a user has performed. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
1 day
Google Analytics cookie used to determine how many actions a user has performed. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
3 months
Google Analytics Cookie used to distinguish users so we are able to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
1 day
Marin cookie used to identify the PPC campaign a user enters site and whether they complete action. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
1 year
msclkid, _uetmsclkid
Bing Cookie used to identify the Microsoft Ads PPC campaign a user enters the site from and whether they complete an action. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
90 days
_uetsid, _uetvid, _uetuid
These cookies are utilised by Microsoft Bing Ads. It allows us to engage with a user that has previously visited our website.
390 days
ARRAffinity, ARRAffinitySameSite
Azure cookie to allow correct functioning of the site. Customers would not be able to use our services in a consistent way or process through the pages in absence of this cookie.
ASP.NET_SessionID, CPSession
Allows our web servers to respond to users actions on the website e.g. logging in, getting a car insurance quote or showing you a recent quote on our website. The website wouldn't work for you without them.
Used for authentication purposes.
13 months if a customer chooses to stay signed into our website. Session-based if not signed in.
This cookie allows collection of website performance data to ensure it is operating efficiently.
12 months
As per the ‘ai_user’ cookie, the ‘ai_session’ cookie supports the monitoring of the website’s performance via Application Insights.
1 hour
Used for authentication purposes.
Authentication cookie used to tell our website a visitor is signed in.
13 months
Allows us to deliver our service seamlessly using a load balancer.
1 week
This Cloudflare cookie specifies the duration your website is accessible to a visitor that successfully completed a previous Captcha or JavaScript challenge.
30 minutes
We are partnered with Rakuten Advertising for advertising on the internet. This cookie is used to track customers who enter our site through a cashback website. We collect a unique session reference which is then stored within the cookie and passed back to our cashback partners to allow them to administer your cashback claim. This also allows us to pay our cashback partners.
24 hours
Cookie starting with CookieConsentV
This is a cookie is used to determine whether you have consented to the dropping of non-essential cookies. It is essential to comply with data protection laws.
Expires 2089
CSRFCOOKIE, RequestVerificationToken, csrftoken, AspNetCore.Correlation.Confused
Used to verify a user and for security purposes
DNT- Pixel Tracker
Tracking pixel used for sales tracking.
FedAuth, FedAuth1, AspNet.OAuth.Cookie, ActiveCustomerCookie
Used for user authentication purposes.
Google Analytics used to distinguish users. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
2 years
Google Analytics used to track number of visitors and conversions on our car valuations journey.
2 years
Google Analytics (___utmz)
Google cookie which explains how a user reached our site. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
6 months
This cookie tells us how many people are using our website. We use this information to make sure the website works.
This cookie is used to keep you on the version of the website you started on. In absence of this cookie a customer may experience user errors and a disruption to our service.
Main _gid
Google cookie used for Display and SearchAds360. We use this cookie to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
2 years
QuantServe Cookie. Allows users to post comments on content.
12 months
Allows us to ensure we are targeting customers appropriately via email and not sending them too many or irrelevant content.
New Relic cookie used to make sure our website is working.
OMG, Affiliate Window
This cookie allows us to track back a customer who enters the site through a cashback website so that they can receive their cashback or allow us to pay partners for getting a user’s business.
This allows MLP our Confused.com rewards partner to track the user to supply rewards.
con-portal, Home{Tenant}Session, Motor{Tenant}Session
This cookie processes personal data. We have a legitimate interest to set this cookie to enable your information to be carried across our website. In its absence our website and financial services would be unusable.
This allows MLP our Confsued.com rewards partner to store your Cookie Settings.
90 days
Stores the language of our website for our content management system used to update our website.
tcSession (Temporary Insurance)
Used for tracking user sessions.
30 minutes
Google Analytics. Used to check if the user’s browser supports cookies. We need to check if cookies are supported in order to improve the customer journey by making the user experience more relevant based on previous preferences and behaviour.
1 day
TiPMix, x-ms-routing-name
Azure cookie to allow the correct functioning of the site. Customers would not be able to use quote processes in a consistent way or process through the pages in absence of this cookie.
1 hour
Adobe cookie. Enables us to identify the users who interact with Adobe Campaign when they visit a website.
X-Advertld, AdvertId
Used to ensure campaigns and white-labels styling is correctly attributed and applied across the site. It is also used to permit correct attribution for affiliates to help customer’s get their cashback.
This is used to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery.
1 hour
X-UniqueCustomerSessionID, MiSession-CurrentPageId, MiSession-SessionId
Used to track customer's interaction with a subdomain on Confused.com - page visits and events on each page visit.
This cookie helps us see who is returning to our website.
2 years
Google Cookies. Used for display and search advertisements. We use this cookie to make sure the user is served the correct ads based on previous preferences and behaviour.
30 days
Nerdalytics cookie is used to improve performance of the site. Tracks user events and behaviour anonymously.
1 year
Nerdalytics cookie is used to improve performance of the site. Tracks user events created by a specific user.
1 year
Nerdalytics cookie used to improve performance of the site. Attributes user events to a specific session.
Cookies starting with mvt-
Cookies used for test optimisation. This tells us information and what action a user takes in the test to help us improve our services.
6 months
Microsoft owned third party cookie for support chat functionality. Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites and are used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.
1 year
Microsoft owned third party cookie for support chat functionality. Track users’ website behaviour and the interaction on the specific device.
1 year
Microsoft owned third party cookie for support chat functionality. Used to identify a specific session.
1 day
This cookie is used to identify quotes that a user has clicked out on; we use this to make sure that any quote data sent to third parties is not over-represented.
Expires at midnight on day of cookie drop
Confused Energy Authentication cookie to sign Authentication URL.
Confused Energy Authentication cookie to ensure the user has been authenticated.
20 minutes
Confused Energy Authentication cookie to ensure the user has been authorised.
20 minutes
Confused Energy Authentication cookie to track any redirection loop which could lead to a bad User Experience and handle these loops appropriately.
Used to understand when a user also uses another of RVU's services.
400 days
Used to help debug website performance problems and identify web page requests.

Non-essential cookies

Confused.com also request to set non-essential cookies. These are cookies and similar technologies which are not strictly necessary to allow our website to work or to access our service. Non-essential cookies allow us to improve your customer experience through testing our journeys to identify areas of improvement. Cookies are also used to make the website easier for you to use.

Non-Essential cookies

Performance cookies

We use performance cookies to see how you interact and engage with our website. We use this information to find out what parts of our customer journeys could be improved.

Name Description Duration
Google Analytics used to distinguish users and visitor flow between our websites.
6 months
_zg{{id}}, fm_sid_
This Fresh Marketer cookie is used for product testing.
This Fresh Marketer cookie is used to assist product testing.
2 hours
Full Story cookie used for session recording. There is no personally identifiable information stored by this cookie.
1 year
Optimizely cookie for test optimisation. Storing an experimentation identifier.
6 months
optimizelyRedirectData Optimizely cookie for test optimisation used for redirects.
5 seconds
Optimizely cookie for test optimisation used for url and domain syncing.
6 months
Optimizely cookie used for test optimisation for opting out.
10 years
Optimizely cookie used for test optimisation for saving sticky sessions.
Optimizely cookie used for test optimisation.
liveagent_sid - "session id"
This is a Salesforce Live Agent cookie. It processes personal data including transcript of conversation, email address, first name and surname. This cookie is used for our chatbot service on our car insurance journey. It is used, to anonymously track a visitor across page loads so as not to appear as a new or different visitor on every page. It is also used to send an agent what page you are on when you request a chat. This is used for customer support and to improve our journey.
Qualaroo (ki_r, ki_s, ki_t, ki_u)
Gathers feedback from our website’s users. This data helps us improve our products and services for the benefit of our customers.
5 years
Quantum Metric Cookie which allows us to see how you interact with our website. This cookie performs a full session replay. This cookie allows us to persist a user session between page loads as one unique session.
Quantum Metric Cookie which allows us to see how you interact with our website. This cookie performs a full session replay. This cookie allows us to link user sessions over time to an anonymous user.
1 year
zarget_user_id, zarget_visitor_info
Fresh marketer usage analytics tools.
1 year

Functional cookies

Functional cookies are used to remember you and your preferences. This allows us to offer a more personalised experience and make our website easier for you to use.

Name Description Duration
ab.storage.userId., ab.storage.sessionId., ab.storage.deviceId., ab.optOut, ab._gd
Braze cookies used to determine if s user is logged in, new or returning. Braze cookie randomly-generated string used to identify anonymous users, and to differentiate users’ devices and enables device-based messaging. Braze cookie used to store a user’s opt-out preference when disableSDK is called Braze cookie temporarily created (and then deleted) to determine cookie domains.
365 days
Active quote cookie
This cookie displays to a customer active or expired car insurance quotes on the website.
Cookie lasts until the insurance start date.
This cookie is used to identify whether a user has recently completed a quote on Confused.com. This allows us to provide a personalised experience for our customers.
30 days
Disqus Cookies
Disqus is a community platform used on our website where visitors can read and comment on our articles. These cookies will not be dropped without your consent to our use of non-essential cookies. Please note these cookies collect personally identifiable information such as IP address. Further information on cookies used can be found on the Disqus website.
Used to prefill email address in login process for previously-authenticated customers and display name is used to personalise journeys.
13 months

Social cookies

Social media cookies allow platforms to target you and display tailored advertising to you on our behalf.

Name Description Duration
_fbc, _fbp
Facebook cookie
90 days
Facebook cookie
3 months
Facebook cookie used for analytics and research.
30 days
Facebook cookie used for authentication purposes.
1 year
_ttp, _tt_enable_cookie
TikTok cookie used to accurately track any sales from the tiktok platform.
13 months
TikTok cookie used to accurately track any sales from the tiktok platform.
1 month
Facebook cookie which is used to identity the web browser being used to connect to Facebook independent of the logged in user. The cookie plays a key role in Facebook’s security and site integrity features.
2 years
Facebook cookie will collect data which may personally identify you and is used to deliver, measure and improve the relevancy of advertisements.
90 days
This is a Facebook pixel which allows us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising. It also allows us to retarget users with Facebook ads.
3 months
Facebook cookie which is used to contain a user’s chat state.
Facebook cookie which identifies browser for login and authentication purposes.
2 years
Facebook for authentication purposes.
365 days

Marketing cookies

We use marketing cookies which help Confused.com to measure the success of our advertisements and allow us to make them more relevant to our customers. They also allow us to track users and optimise conversion.

Name Description Duration
Adalyser cookie which stores which advertising campaign drove a user to visit, stores traffic source and campaign data.
6 months
Adalyser cookie which ties back conversion events to earlier visits, stores a visit timestamp.
7 days
Adalyser cookie used to uniquely identify a device, stores a generated Device ID.
2 years
Adalyser cookie used to determine whether a user has an active session.
30 minutes
Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used for marketing channel performance attribution purposes.
30 minutes
Google Tag Manager cookie that stores the marketing channel(s) that brought a user to our website; used for marketing attribution and analysis across RVU brands.
90 days
_pinterest_sess, _pinterest_ct, _pinterest_ct_mw, _pinterest_ct_rt, _epik, _derived_epik, _pin_unauth, _pinterest_ct_ua, _pin_unaut
Pinterest cookies. These cookies help Pinterest to optimise, track and measure performance of marketing campaigns. It allows us to retarget users within Pinterest.
1 year

Unclassified non-essential cookies

Name Description Duration
_cq_suid, _cq_tuid, _cq_check
ChEQ AI Technologies Ltd cookie used to protect our marketing from bots and inappropriate users.
ChEQ AI Technologies Ltd cookie used to protect our marketing from bots and inappropriate users. This cookie is used to detect domain sessions per device.
3 months
ChEQ AI Technologies Ltd cookie used to protect our marketing from bots and inappropriate users. This cookie is used to detect when the same device is used in a separate browser session, to ensure that is user is detected as malicious, it can be consistently blocked from access to our website.
1 year

Partners and cookies

Our brands

Confused.com, a trading name of Inspop.com Limited. Inspop.com Limited is part of the ZPG Limited group of companies, comprising ZPG Limited and its subsidiaries. We may share cookie data with the other entities of the ZPG group of companies, each of which has their own Privacy Notice and associated Cookie Policy. Whilst we aim for a consistent approach across all entities, there may be some minor differences between these policies and we therefore recommend you review these where relevant.

Our partners

We work with a range of providers for some of our comparison customer journeys. Some of these partners will drop cookies on our website domain so that they can provide the best experience between the websites. The associated Cookie Policies are operated by the underlying providers and we therefore recommend you review these where relevant. Please visit our providers page for more information on the partners we work with.

This policy was last updated on 25th March 2025.

How do I manage my cookies?

Most browsers let you manage and block cookies from specific websites. You also have the option of only blocking third-party cookies, which still lets you get the best experience when using Confused.com. You can find out how to manage your cookie settings here. If you have a question about cookies that isn't covered here, you can get more information at aboutcookies.org.uk

Get in touch

Our contact form is the quickest way to get in touch with us. But if you're having difficulty using the form, please email us at communications@confused.com.

Alternatively, you can contact us in writing:

2nd floor, Greyfriars House,
Greyfriars Road,
CF10 3AL,
United Kingdom