Flood risk map

Check if your home is at a higher risk of flooding

Flood risk by region in England

Flooding can cause serious damage to homes and leave families with hefty repair bills.

According to the Environment Agency, 6.3 million properties in England are in areas at risk of flooding. Of those, 122,000 are at high risk, and based on current climate change predictions the situation is only getting worse. The latest predictions suggest that by 2050, 1 in 4 properties could be in flood-prone areas.

Why are more homes at risk of flooding? This is mostly due to rising sea levels causing more coastal flooding and wetter winters increasing river flooding. Plus, lots of new homes are being built in flood-prone areas.

South West

Amount of homes at high flood risk: 2023: {value} homes* 2018: {value} homes* This is a {value} {increase/decrease}*

What is Flood Re?

Flood Re is a government-backed scheme designed to make home insurance more affordable for people in flood-prone areas. Insurers can pass the flood risk part of your policy to Flood Re, which helps lower the cost of premiums for homeowners.
If you live in a high-risk area, Flood Re could save you money and provide peace of mind. So it’s worth checking if your insurer is part of the scheme and that your home insurance includes flood protection.

Top tips for preparing for a flood

  • Sign up for flood alerts – Get free alerts from the Government for river and coastal flooding (not surface flooding).
  • Create an emergency kit – Pack essentials like food, water, medication, and key documents.
  • Elevate valuables – Move expensive or important items to higher ground.
  • Seal your property – Use sandbags or barriers to keep water out.
  • Check your insurance policy – Make sure your home insurance covers flood damage.
  • Have a power backup plan – 54% of people who experienced a power cut during a flood said it lasted longer than a day.

Flood damage costs

Between 2020 and 2024, flood claims in England totalled almost £31m, peaking at just over £11m in 2024.

69% of flood victims reported severe damage, and 32% faced repeat incidents. With an average repair cost of £849—and 23% of claims exceeding £1,000—flooding isn’t cheap. Most commonly, carpets and grass (41%) take the biggest hit.

Home insurance providers often ask if you live near a river or the sea to assess your flood risk. 62% of flood victims claimed on their home insurance, receiving an average payout of £906—showing just how valuable having cover in place can be.

Protect your possessions from flood damage

Need more help?

Does home insurance cover flood damage?

Not all home insurance policies cover flood damage. Review your policy and speak to your insurer to make sure you’re properly covered. If needed, consider specialised flood insurance for better protection.

How do I find out if my home is prone to flooding?

If you live outside of England you can check reports from the Environment Agency. It’s also worth asking your local council about past flood events in the area.

What financial support is available if my home is flooded?

If your home is flooded, you may be able to get financial help from your local council, the National Emergencies Trust, or other organisations. Don’t forget to check your home insurance as it could help to cover repair costs and replace damaged belongings.

*Confused.com issued a Freedom of Information request in October 2024 to the Environment Agency (England) requesting the total number of properties at ‘high risk’ of flooding in 2018 and 2023 to calculate the rise in properties at risk. This was provided by parliamentary constituencies.
All research based on a survey issued by One Poll on behalf of Confused.com, of UK 2,000 homeowners and renters. This was conducted between 31 December 2024 and 2 January 2025.
Flooding claims based on Confused.com home insurance data between January 2018 and November 2024. This includes the number of policies purchased where a claim had been made for flooding damages for both buildings and contents insurance, and the total value.

*Information about our flood risk tool:

The number of properties at high risk of flooding was provided by the Environment Agency in England, for the years 2018 and 2023, broken down by parliamentary constituency. Constituencies provided within this tool are based on data as of July, alongside postcodes within these areas as of May 2024. A number of constituencies have changed boundaries between 2023 and 2024, in which case the data has been reassigned to the replacement constituency. Where constituencies have been split into a number of new constituencies, the data has been applied to the largest constituency within the new boundary.