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Compare gas-only energy deals

Does your property use gas in addition to electricity? Enter your postcode below to compare gas deals and providers with Confused.com.

What is gas-only energy?

Gas energy is primarily used to heat people’s homes and provide hot water, but it can also be used to power certain appliances like gas cookers. It’s delivered through pipes to your home and is separate from your electricity supply.

What are gas-only energy tariffs?

These are single fuel tariffs that provide you solely with the gas you need for your home. In most cases, you’ll need to set up a gas-only tariff alongside an electricity-only tariff to cover all your energy needs. A dual fuel tariff combines electricity and gas in a single tariff from one supplier.

Why should I switch to a gas-only energy tariff?

You might want a gas-only tariff because some suppliers might offer gas more cheaply by itself. This might mean you can combine it with a cheap electricity tariff from another supplier.

In most cases though, a dual fuel tariff that combines electricity and gas from a single provider offers the best value, but not always.

What are the pros and cons of gas-only energy tariffs?


  • Could be cheaper: When comparing tariffs, you may find that buying your gas and electricity on separate tariffs works out cheaper.
  • Flexible: This approach allows you to choose different suppliers for your gas and electricity.


  • Usually more expensive: Most suppliers offer a discount for dual fuel tariffs that make them cheaper than separate gas-only and electricity-only tariffs.
  • More administration: You need to manage 2 bills from separate suppliers – gas and electricity – instead of 1.

How do I compare gas-only energy suppliers?

Start by finding out how much you currently pay for your gas, and how much gas you use over the course of a year. You should be able to work this out from your latest gas or dual fuel bill. Once you have this, you can start comparing gas prices.

NB: We’re working on allowing customers to compare fuels from different suppliers individually but we can currently only show you dual fuel deals.

In the meantime, use our gas price comparison above to find the best gas-only deals. First, enter your postcode as well as some other personal details along with your estimated gas usage. We’ll then show you the best gas-only energy deals available to you, allowing you to compare tariffs and switch to a better deal if one exists.

Looking to switch your energy deal?

If you're looking for price certainty on your bills, click 'Get started' to compare energy deals.

How long does it take to switch my gas supplier?

The switch should take no longer than 5 working days after your new supplier has received your registration. However, you can ask to wait until 5 working days after the 14-day cooling-off period has passed (so up to 21 days after you switch). Some suppliers may also allow you to select a specific date for the switch. You might do this if you wanted to take maximum advantage of a previous tariff that’s about to end, for example.

You should receive a final bill from your old supplier within 6 weeks – just make sure you submit a final meter reading before your new tariff begins. You should receive any outstanding credit from your old provider within 14 days of receiving the final bill.

The 14-day cooling-off period allows you to change your mind for any reason. Your new supplier should send you details of your new tariff straight away. If you decide not to switch, simply contact your new supplier to cancel the switch.

Finally, if the switch takes more than 15 working days to complete, contact the supplier to check it has everything it needs. If it does, it should pay you £30 compensation automatically for the delayed switch. This is either paid directly into your bank account or sent to you as a cheque. You should receive it within 10 working days. If this doesn’t happen, you can make a formal complaint.

Which is the best gas-only energy supplier?

That depends on several factors:

  • Where you live
  • How much gas you use
  • What you’re looking for from your supplier

If price is your main concern, our price comparison lets you see who the cheapest gas supplier is based on your personal circumstances.

Also consider other criteria when comparing suppliers. Do you want the reassurance of paper bills and support via the phone, or are you happy to access both through your phone, tablet or computer?

You should also investigate what payment methods are available depending on how you pay your bill. For example, do you pay monthly (direct debit or card), on receipt of your bill (card or cheque), or via prepayment meter (card or cash)?

What is the average cost of gas per kWh?

This varies depending on where you live, and what tariff you’re on. Most households are currently on a standard variable tariff, whose rates are limited by Ofgem’s energy price cap. This is updated quarterly.

The current price cap, which runs from 1 January to 31 March 2024, has set the price of gas at 7.42p per kWh for standard variable tariffs. Some suppliers may, however, charge less, which is why it’s always important to compare tariffs to find the best gas prices.


The current price is 0.53 p/kWh (or 7%) higher than the previous price cap. The next price cap, which runs from 1 April to 30 June 2024, is going to be announced on 23 February.


Don’t forget to include the cost of the daily standing charge when calculating your tariff costs. This is currently set at 29.6p per day for gas.

Why is the price of gas so high right now?

Recent events, from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to higher demand for gas after the pandemic, have led to high volatility in the gas market. This has made wholesale prices higher, which means suppliers are paying more for the gas they purchase on your behalf. The increased costs are too high for suppliers to absorb, so price rises are passed on to consumers.

During 2023, energy bills decreased thanks to energy wholesale costs dropping for the first time in 3 years. However, they rose again over the winter period and are likely to remain volatile for some time to come. With prices almost double what they were prior to 2022, it’s estimated that we’re unlikely to see cheap gas prices again until the end of the decade.

What happens if my gas supplier goes bust?

Ofgem’s safety net ensures you won’t lose access to your supply if your supplier goes bust. You're automatically switched to a new supplier and your supply continues uninterrupted.

There’s no need to switch supplier yourself at this point. Ofgem does all the administrative work to switch you to its preferred alternative within a few days. Simply wait to be contacted by your new gas supplier.

Ofgem can’t guarantee that you're switched to a cheaper (or even the same) deal, but your new supplier can't charge more than the current energy price cap for your gas.

In most cases, you’re switched to a larger supplier, which is able to bulk-buy much of its gas supplies months in advance. This can help to protect you from potential price hikes in the short term at least.

After your new supplier makes contact, you can ask to be moved to its cheapest tariff or even switch to another supplier if you find a better deal elsewhere. You can switch without incurring any exit fees, even if you were previously on a fixed deal.

Will switching to a new gas supply affect my current supply?

No. Thanks to the Energy Switch Guarantee, you don’t need to worry about anything when you switch. The whole process is handled by your new provider – and that includes informing your current supplier. You won’t be left without gas (or electricity if you’re switching that too) at any point. Your pipes and meter are unaffected unless you’ve specifically requested to switch – for example, from a prepayment meter to a standard credit meter.

Frequently asked questions

Can I switch gas supplier if I rent my home?

You can switch your gas supplier if you’re directly responsible for paying your gas bill. Check your tenancy agreement for confirmation.

If the cost of your gas is included in your rent, then you need to speak to your landlord. That’s because they have to make the switch.

Can I get a green gas-only energy tariff?

Yes, several suppliers offer green gas tariffs without requiring you to sign up for electricity or dual fuel. Green gas tariffs aren’t all the same, however. Some offer to generate enough biogas from animal or vegetable waste to cover part or all your consumption. Others offer green gas tariffs that basically promise to offset the emissions produced by the gas used to heat your home.

Can I switch if I’m on a gas prepayment meter?

Yes, you can switch if you're on a prepayment meter as long as you owe less than £500. In the past, prepayment tariffs have worked out more expensive than standard tariffs on credit meters. This is set to change in 2024, but you might want to look at switching to a credit meter. Be prepared to go through a credit check and be aware that some suppliers charge to replace your prepayment meter with a standard credit one.

How can I find out who my current gas supplier is?

Check your energy bill for details. If it’s not to hand, enter your postcode into the Find My Supplier website, then select your address from the drop-down menu to find out.

Will I have to pay an exit fee when I switch gas supplier?

You may be liable to pay an exit fee – typically £30-60 – if you’re currently on a fixed-rate tariff. If you’re on a standard variable tariff, you shouldn’t be subject to this fee, but check your bill or tariff for confirmation.

Note, the exit fee is waived when you enter the final 49 days of your contract. Check your bill for details and look to see when the tariff ends. If it’s 49 days or less until the tariff expires, you can switch without incurring any fees.

Energy guides