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Mitsubishi car insurance

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**Single annual policy. New and former Paramount+ subscribers only who sign up at ParamountPlus.com. Subscription required. Auto-renews unless cancelled. 18+. Just Eat website account required, geographical exclusions apply. The year-round reward is provided by Greggs, and consists of one regular hot drink per month for a year, only available via the Confused.com app. T&Cs apply.

1Correct as of February 2025

How much does a Mitsubishi cost to insure?

Here are some average costs. Your price could be different though, so it's worth getting a quote to see your exact cost.

Model Average quote*
Outlander PHEV GX4h
Outlander PHEV 4h
Colt CZ2
Mirage 3
Eclipse Cross 3

*Average cost of annual comprehensive car insurance, Confused.com data October - December 2024.

There’s no one size fits all when it comes to car insurance. The price you pay depends on things like:

  • Where you live – Some areas have higher theft or accident rates.
  • Your age – Younger drivers usually pay more.
  • Your car – Bigger engines and expensive models usually cost more to insure.
  • Claims history – Fewer claims could mean cheaper insurance
  • Your job – Some occupations pay more for car insurance, as they're seen as higher risk. For example, taxi drivers and couriers.

How can I save on my Mitsubishi car insurance?

Pay annually rather than monthly

You usually get a discount for paying in one go, rather than paying monthly.

Estimate your mileage correctly

Don't overestimate your mileage. Lower mileage can mean lower premiums.

Improve your car's security

Devices such as alarms, trackers, and parking your car securely at night can help lower costs.

Build up your No Claims Bonus (NCB)

Each year without a claim increases your NCB and could lower your price.

Shop around and compare prices

Renewals aren’t always the cheapest. We can help you compare costs across a number of different providers.

Add a named driver to your policy

Adding a named driver to your policy, especially one who's more experienced, may reduce how much you pay.

Increase your voluntary excess

A higher excess could lower your premium. Only increase your excess if you can afford it.

What car insurance group is my Mitsubishi in?

Car insurance groups range from 1 to 50. Lower groups generally mean cheaper insurance.

You can check which group your Mitsubishi is in using our car insurance group checker:

Car insurance group checker

We couldn't find a car with this registration.

These factors affect your Mitsubishi’s group:

  • Car value – More expensive models tend to be in higher groups..
  • Security features – Good security can help lower costs.
  • The power of the engine: Speedy and powerful cars can pose a risk, so they usually fall into higher groups.
  • Power and performance – Faster performance cars usually fall into higher groups.
  • Safety rating – Cars with good safety features may be in lower groups..

What car insurance can I get for my Mitsubishi?

  • Comprehensive car insurance covers you, your car, and others, even if the accident is your fault.
  • Third-party, fire and theft will cover other drivers, plus fire and theft damage to your car.
  • Third-party provides cover for damage to others but not your own car.

What additional cover can I get for my Mitsubishi?

Legal protection

Motor legal cover will help protect you when it comes to claiming for legal costs after an accident.

Personal accident cover

This cover pays out if you’re seriously injured in a car accident.

Breakdown cover

Breakdown cover will help cover the costs of getting someone out to help you if your car breaks down.

Windscreen cover

Covers repair or replacement of damaged glass including your windscreen, side windows and rear windows.

Recovery to a charge point

This is for electric models and covers towing to a charge point if your car runs out of battery.

Car insurance guides