“Multi car policies aren’t just useful for families living at the same address. You might live on your own and have a couple of different vehicles that you alternate between depending on the type of driving you’re doing or where you’re going. A multi-car policy could help you organise your insurance and the amount of admin that comes at renewal time as well as hopefully save you a bit of money as well.”
“Our top tips for saving money on a multi-car policy are the same as a single-car policy. For one, get organised and sort your policy around 3 weeks before you need the cover to start. This is when you’ll usually find the best prices."
"It's also worth doing your research to check whether the price of a multicar policy is going to save you money vs buying single policies. Insurance prices change regularly so relying on the price you paid for your last policies as a guide might not be reliable. Instead, get a new quote for each car and compare that against the cost of a multi car policy.”