Calculate fuel costs for your car in 3 simple steps:
Enter your car reg and fuel type, we'll calculate it's fuel efficiency (mpg).
Tell us your mileage for a single trip or year
We’ll give you a price based on one trip, or a break down of weekly and monthly based on your annual mileage
The price of petrol and diesel is always changing, so it helps to save money on fuel where you can. Knowing how much your car is costing you to run is the first step to shaving a few pounds off your bill. You can also check your current local fuel price using our petrol prices tool.
Choose a reward & enjoy year-round hot drinks every time you buy car, home or van insurance**
**Single annual policy. New and former Paramount+ subscribers only who sign up at Subscription required. Auto-renews unless cancelled. 18+. Just Eat website account required, geographical exclusions apply. The year-round reward is provided by Greggs, and consists of one regular hot drink per month for a year, only available via the app. T&Cs apply.
Get the facts on pay monthly car insurance. Explore how monthly payments work, the pros and cons, and how you can save money while protecting your car!
What will cars cost in 2035? Read our guide to find out what we estimate to be the cost of cars and which European countries have the most expensive cars.
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