The kind of work you do affects how much you pay for car insurance. It’s one of the many factors considered by insurers when they’re deciding how much you pay.
But which occupations are best for cheaper car insurance?
We look at how your job title can influence the price of your car insurance, and what you can do to keep your costs low.
What are the cheapest car insurance job titles?
Job title | Average car insurance cost* |
Civil service - clerical
Chartered engineer
Local Authority employee
Police - sergeant
Police -civilian attached
Civil service - executive officer
Local government officer
Mail carrier**
Teacher - education authority
Nursing sister
* data, comprehensive car insurance quotes between April 2022 - March 2023. Minimum 10,000 quotes per job title. Excludes retired, student and unemployed statuses.
** Insurers list this job title as postman / postwoman - we've chosen to use 'mail carrier' here as a more inclusive title.
What are the most expensive job titles for car insurance?
Job title | Average car insurance cost* |
Fast food delivery driver
Fast food caterer
Fast good proprietor
Construction worker
Abattoir worker
Car valet
Delivery courier
* data, comprehensive car insurance quotes between April 2022 - March 2023. Minimum 10,000 quotes per job title. Excludes retired, student and unemployed statuses.
What's the best job for car insurance?
We can't give you a single 'best job' for cheaper car insurance costs. This is because the price you pay for your policy depends on so many other factors including:
- Where you live
- Your age and driving experience
- The kind of car you drive
- Any previous claims and convictions
In general, jobs that don't suggest a risky lifestyle could have lower costs. For example, the job titles with the highest costs on our list are fast food workers. This might suggest driving late at night in busy cities.
On the other hand, job titles with the lowest costs include those who work in the civil service. These jobs tend to be desk-based and follow a 9-5 working pattern. This means there's less time spent driving other than the commute, so less risk of making a claim.
But it's not just the job itself that could impact your price.
What our motor insurance expert says
"Insurance companies also look at what they call 'moral hazards' when working out car insurance costs. This is how risky they think a driver might behave based on information like their occupation. Delivery drivers, for example, have additional pressure to make their deliveries on time. This could increase their risk of speeding, careless driving or having an accident. This becomes a higher risk occupation, which leads to higher car insurance costs."

Should I adjust my job title when buying car insurance?
You should be as accurate as possible when stating your job title on your car insurance policy. Changing your job title to something less accurate so you can get a cheaper policy could be considered a form of insurance fraud.
That being said, there are several way to describe the same kind of job.
When you get a car insurance quote with us, we'll ask you:
- What your main occupation is
- What industry it's in
Let's say you're a writer and editor for a marketing company. Job titles that could be equally valid include:
- Writer
- Marketing assistant
- Marketing executive
- Editor
- Copywriter
Depending on how each insurance company rates the risk of these particular job titles, you might find that some are less expensive than others. So long as you're confident that the occupation you choose is accurate, go for the one that shows you better deals.
What occupation do I declare if I have 2 jobs?
You should declare both. When you compare car insurance quotes with us, we'll ask you first about your main occupation. We'll also ask 'does the driver have another occupation?' If you select 'yes', you can put in your second occupation.
Will my car insurance company check with my employer?
No, car insurance companies aren't likely to check to see if your occupation matches what you've told them.
But if you're dishonest, they're likely to find out if you decide to make a car insurance claim and your policy details don't match your claim.
What happens if I change occupation before my car insurance renews?
You need to tell your employer if you change your profession as soon as possible – but not if you’ve switched to a different company in the same industry.
If you’re unsure whether you need to tell your insurer, it's best to tell them anyway.
Updating your car insurance policy might come with an admin cost, so ask about this when you request the change.
Does being unemployed affect car insurance?
Yes, unemployed drivers are generally regarded as a higher risk than those in employment. One reason might be because it’s expected that they’re driving to job interviews or that they're using their car more.
Do I get cheaper car insurance if I'm retired?
Not necessarily. If you were previously employed in a job perceived by your insurer as being high risk, you might see your costs come down when you retire. But if you were in a low-risk job previously, it might not have much of an impact on your price.
What should I do if my job title means higher car insurance?
If you're being quoted high costs for car insurance, and it’s because you have a high-risk job, there are ways you can cut costs:
- Shop around to find a better deal with an insurer who doesn't consider your job to be so risky
- Check if you’re able to use a different title for your job that still accurately reflects what you do
- Restrict your annual mileage if you’re able to
- Consider not using your car for work and changing your class of use to 'social only'
- Increase your voluntary excess - but make sure you can afford to pay this in the event of a claim