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Compare car services, repairs & MOTs

We’ve partnered with FixMyCar to help you find and compare garages across the UK

How to compare

  • Enter your details. Tell us what you’re looking for or what needs fixing on your vehicle. We’ll find the best garages nearby and give you the best price for the job.
  • Compare your quotes. You’ll then get a range of quotes from our specialist garages. Just choose the quote that’s right for you.
  • Book your appointment. Once you’ve chosen the quote that’s right for you, book your appointment online.

The benefits of comparing online

  • Save money. By comparing garages in your area we’re able to find a price that suits you.
  • See reviews. See ratings and how many similar jobs your local garages have done for other drivers.
  • Save time. Tell us what you're after and in a few minutes we'll find the best garages near you to do the job.

Car servicing, MOT and repairs

Who can fix my car?

We make finding the right person to fix your car easy. We have access to over 15,000 garages across the UK, covering everything from mobile mechanics to main dealers. You can compare MOT garages and mechanics near you, and search for the best prices on MOTs, car services and repairs. If you have a car warranty, it's worth checking the details to see what's covered as part of that.

Why should I compare prices?

There are a number of things to consider when picking the right garage. Price will usually be the main factor but our comparison lets you consider customer reviews, distance from your home or place of work, and the services the garages in your area offer.

How much is an MOT?

There’s a maximum MOT fee of £54.85 for a car and £29.65 for a standard motorbike, however you could get it cheaper if you shop around as the price of an MOT can vary depending on the MOT test station*

What is checked on an MOT?

An MOT garage will check a number of things when carrying out an MOT, including:

  • Lights to check their colour, condition, safety and aim are all correct
  • Steering and suspension to see if they're operating as normal and in good condition
  • Brakes to make sure they’re functioning safely
  • Wheels and tyres to ensure general condition, security and tread depth of your tyres aren't worn to the point of being dangerous
  • Vehicle emissions will be tested to make sure they fall within safety guidelines

To see a full list of MOT checks, take a look at our MOT guide.

How can I find a car service near me?

It's simple, we just need some information about your car, your postcode and the work your car needs. Once we've got that we'll show you a list of quotes from garages offering services near you. We show them listed by closest to your postcode but also let you view them on a map if you'd prefer.

*There is a maximum amount MOT test stations can charge. This depends on the type of vehicle. https://www.gov.uk/getting-an-mot/mot-test-fees (Oct 24').

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Confused.com's MOT, servicing & repair solution is provided by Whocanfixmycar.com Ltd, "FixMyCar". Whocanfixmycar.com Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 07455738 and has its registered office at 1st Floor, Suite 3, 100 Longwater Avenue, Green Park, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, RG2 6GP.

Confused.com, 2nd Floor, Greyfriars House, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AL is a trading name of Inspop.com Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm reference no. 310635).